TRIPLE STRIKE Product Description
TRIPLE STRIKE is a revolutionary, one step treatment for algal blooms in farm dams and other water bodies.
TRIPLE STRIKE has a 3-way action for highly effective results:
The Alum coagulates the algae.
The combination of Alum and Gypsum flocculates the algae.
The Alum and Gypsum form a blanket over the algae on the floor of the water body which absorbs Phosphorus and toxins.
TRIPLE STRIKE doesn't kill the algae initially. It's action is to starve the algae of nutrients over time. In most situations the algae will stay on the bottom and eventually decompose.
TRIPLE STRIKE will generally lower the pH of the water by 0.5-1.0 pH units. This will assist in preventing further algal blooms.
Field Trial Results
VGT - Environmental Compliance Solutions
TRIPLE-STRIKE Toxicity Assessment: